Partners off Non4mal 4 All
The Non4mal 4 All project results from working in partnership and is valued by cooperation and sharing of experiences among all involved entities.
This project has the involvement of 6 countries – Romania, Portugal, Hungary, Estonia, Turkey and Norway. Participate in this project 5 schools: Special Secondary School ”Saint Nicholas” Bucharest, Romania; ’Mozgásjavító’ Kindergarten, Elementary and Specialized Secondary School, Unified Special Education Methodology Centre and Students’ Residence, Hungary; Tartu Herbert Masingu Kool, Estonia; Tuna İlkokulu, Turkey; Førde Ungdomsskule, Norway; and 1 NGO – APCAS, Cerebral Palsy Association of Almada Seixal, Portugal.
Special Secondary School ”Saint Nicholas” Bucharest offers services of education and therapy for children with special educational needs. Our strategic targets are: increasing the quality of education in school by promoting the education for all; personal, professional and institutional development; promoting the role of the support teacher in mainstream schoolS.
Our school offers education to 240 children aged between 3 and 18 years, in different levels ( kindergarten, primary and secondary school), more than 60 % of them with severe/ associated disabilities: TSA, neuro-motor problems, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, ADHD. Besides those children, our school also offers educational support and therapeutic services to another 180 children with special educational needs who are included in mainstream schools in district no.4 of Bucharest (kindergarten, secondary schools and high schools) through our network of support teachers.
Accordingly to the law regulations in Romania, the special school, through its Internal Committee of On-going Assessment of the Students, and the support teachers are responsible for coordinating the Individual Educational Plan designed for each included child, for collaborating with the mainstream teachers and for the school progress of the child. Our team includes 85 professionals: special education teachers, educational therapists, kindergarten teachers, speech and language therapists, physical therapists, psychologist, pediatrician, psychiatrist, social worker, nurses and 18 support teachers.
APCAS – Cerebral Palsy Association of Almada Seixal is a private institution of social solidarity [IPSS] whose goals are “the prevention, habilitation, participation, social inclusion and support of people with cerebral palsy and their families, related neurological conditions and others”.
APCAS has always guided its intervention in the development of projects that promote equality of opportunities whose contents are present in innovative ways and have strong impact on the community. The global vision of the needs of the population with disabilities determines the steps and prioritizes goals. A longitudinal work is intended and seeks to intervene in various population groups, from the population with disabilities to students, seniors, teachers, coaches, families, sportive domains, social work, rehabilitation and care.
Tuna İlkokulu is pre-primary / primary (elementary) school in Bayrampaşa county of İstanbul city in Turkey. We have 852 students aged between 5-11. We have 411 boys and 441 girls as students. We have three directors, thirty-three teachers and seven personnels. Our school is located in the downtown of the city,İstanbul.
Even the location of the institution is the centre, most of the students and also their families have migrated from The Central Anatolia, The Black Sea and also the Eastern and South Eastern of Turkey, Macedonia, Bosnia, Albania, Greece, Azerbaijan, Syria and Bulgaria. So; we can say that the profiles of the pupils and also their family circles show many varieties in terms of multicultural concepts.
’Mozgásjavító’ Kindergarten, Elementary and Specialized Secondary School, Unified Special Education Methodology Centre and Students’ Residence is a multi-functional school with the main aim to help students to get to the highest degree of independence by the co-operation of the institutional units. In the philosophy of the school you can meet value orientated development of its profile, keeping up traditional and institutional activities which all act for equal opportunities of our students.
Our main principle is to participate in forming the attitude of the whole society in the field of equal opportunities where acceptance and not charity defines rights of people with physical disabilities which searches for chances in social participation and promotes individual education, health and social care, and the possibility of an autonomous life of quality.
Basic profiles
- Kindergarten
- Elementary education
- Secondary education
- Students’ Residence
- Unified Special Education Methodology Centre with educational and professional support services
Førde secondary school is a school for youths aged 12-16, 8th to 10th grade. Today we are about 300 students and 40 teachers and assistants. We have four classes on 8th grade, four on 9th and four on 10th. We also have a class for minority groups, hereafter called introduction class. The number of students in this class changes all the time – today there are about 10-13 students grade 8 – 10.
The minority students at our school attend the introduction class the first two lessons of the day. They mainly have focus on learning Norwegian, but they also have subjects like science, math’s and English. For the next 4-5 five lessons of the day, they go back to their ordinary class and participate in their activities/subjects. Here is where they meet students their own age and can be a part of a class environment on their own level.
To make sure what level each student has accomplished in the introduction class, the teachers tend to test them on different levels all the time.Each student has to be on a specific level in Norwegian to be able to attend ordinary upper secondary school. When students at our school have reached a specific level, they can be a part of the ordinary class all day the whole week.
The goals for the introduction class are as following:
- The students are supposed to learn about the Norwegian school, society and culture whilst learning the Norwegian language
- The training in basic Norwegian and subjects shall start as soon as possible
- The students must be integrated socially at school and in the community that belongs to the school they attend.
Tartu Herbert masing School is a school where students with different special needs can obtain
primary and secondary education. Our main target group is students with autism spectrum disorder,
emotional behavioural disorders and with severe physical disability.
We aim to create learning environment that supports students in obtaining education and taking a
next step in their lives.
School consists of four structures:
- Study centre
- Rehabilitation centre
- Competence centre
- Non-formal education centre
We offer smaller learning groups (4, 8 or 12 students in a class) or individual approach to all of our
students. We also try to offer full support to all of the students – integrating learning, rehabilitation
and ohter services in their daily lives.