The meeting in Portugal was made during the period january 29th, 2017 to february 11th, 2017, and its main objective was to build the training program for the NON4MAL 4ALL Project. The meeting was attended by two teachers from each partner country (Romania, Norway, Estonia, Hungary, Turkey and Portugal).
During this meeting several worshops were held, as well as team building activities, witch provide the possibility of exchanging experiencdes betweem partners. For the development of activities, APCAS partnered with other partners: PT Foundation, Anditec, Grouping of Schools of Terras de Larus, Basic School of 2nd and 3rd cycle of Nun’Álvares, Independent Football Club Torrense, Philharmonic Society of Seixal Union, teacher David Rodrigues, teacher Paula Lebre e teacher Jorge Carvalho.